Friday 30 September 2011

David Shrigley vs. Charles Burns

Today we watched two very different animations. The first animation we watched is called 'Who I Am and What I Want' by David Shrigley.

This is the cover of 'Who I Am and What I Want' by David Shrigley

The second animation is called 'If I Had A Heart' by Charles Burns, which is the music video for Fever Ray. 

This is a still from the animation 'If I Had A Heart'

The animation 'Who I Am and What I Want' is similar to Charles Burns animation 'If I Had A Heart' because they are both black and white and in 2D. 
However, David Shrigley's animation is very different because it is quick hand drawings and sketches, also the video is more quirky and twisted. Although it is amusing it can also be dark and difficult to understand and follow.
The story behind this animation is of a man, called Pete, who bares his emotion, history, hang ups and desires.

This is Shrigley's animation.

Charles Burns animation sticks to the black and white style like David Shrigley's, but looks more realistic  because in his drawings he uses more shading and shadows to give it a 3D effect. This story is about peoples fears. It shows unique sequences that shows peoples fears becoming reality. 


This is Charles Burns animation.

Overall, they are similar in the sense that they are in black and white, but they portray completely different stories and styles. - This is a link to David Shrigley's page  - These are links to Charles Burns pages and art work

Friday 23 September 2011

Michel Gondry

Today we watched a DVD, directed by Michel Gondry. We focused on the song by Jean - Francois Coen called La Tour De Pise.
The videos main theme is based around typography. The sort of typography used is taken from signs and magazines/newspapers.
The lyrics of the song are matched, this is a clever and and creative aspect and because the song is of a slow tempo, it works well.

Altogether, it makes a rather boring song interesting.

Typeography Around Chesterfield College 23/9/11