
On this page, I will upload photography I have taken in my own time. I really enjoy photography and it's a really fun hobby of mine.

(My name on Deviantart is GaarasMurderPrincess, as seen on the watermark on this image of the wiltered rose)

Michael Hughes
British-born, Michael Hughes takes photographs of the world’s famous landmarks, replacing them with cheap souvenirs. He stumbled across this technique by accident in 1998 and has perfected it after travelling over 200 countries and has a collection of nearly 100 similar shots.  

When he arrives at a destination, he visits the nearest souvenir shop and purchases the cheapest souvenir. He then takes up to 50 photographs with a wide angle lens on a digital camera until he has the ornament positioned in exact proportion to the landmark.

He has released 20 of the best images in a book called ‘Souvenirs’ published by graphic designers Fivefootsix based in London.

Ben Heine
Ben Heine is a Belgian visual artist who is best known for his original series ‘Pencil Vs Camera’, ‘Digital Circlism’ and ‘Flesh and Acrylic’. He is deeply influenced by Belgian Surrealism, German Expressionism, American Pop Art and Social Realism. 

‘Pencil Vs Camera’
This series mixes drawing and photography. You will notice that Heine’s hand is clearly visible in the pieces, as it represents the close connection between the viewer, the artist and the artwork. In this series, he likes to focus on people’s life, portraits, nature, animals, architecture; also the main themes approached in ‘Pencil Vs Camera’ are Love, Freedom, After Life, Friendship and Nature.

‘Digital Circlism’
This technique is somehow a synthesis of Pop Art and Pointillism. Heine usually makes portraits of celebrities – often ones he likes or admires, mainly singers and musicians, such as Bob Marley, Freddie Mercury, Eminem, Elvis Presley, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp – with digital tools using only flat circles on a black background. Each circle has a single colour and a single tone. For just one portrait it requires between 100 to 180 hours of work.

‘Flesh and Acrylic’
‘Flesh and Acrylic’ is abstract acrylic paintings on large wooden panels; the main idea is to create a surface blending the model with the background. The end result is often wild and very colourful. His intention is to give a new beauty and new dimension to the life model.

Elena Kalis

Elena Kalis is a visual artist that was born in Russia, now living in the Bahamas, and is specialised in underwater photography. Her photographs are stunning and captivating. She takes influence in every way; people, traditions and nature.

I am going to look at her ‘Alice in Wonderland’ series in particular. “Alice in Wonderland is timeless.”  She has recreated the story with her own interpretations, using her daughter (10) to model underwater. In her mind the story itself seems like from some lucid different place.  

Alan Sailer
Alan Sailer is an obscure photographer who captures the explosion of foods and other objects when impacted at high speeds using an air rifle. He uses a homebuilt air-gap flash that produces a flash of light around a microsecond (whereas a normal camera flash lasts around a thousandth of a second). This allows him to freeze things that are happening extremely fast.

Another key part of his equipment is an automatic trigger mechanism, as the pallet passes through a laser beam, the flash is triggered. The digital camera uses a fairly slow shutter speed to capture the image; this allows him to catch the pallet in space with an accuracy of a few millimetres. 

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