Saturday 22 September 2012

Progression work

I am currently looking into possible options I would like to take after completing my course. I have four possible routes in which I could take; do a foundation year (+18) course, university, an apprenticeship or employment. I have considered all areas and am now looking into each possible one. Ideally, I would like to do another year before branching off, so I have more of an in site to what I would like to do. This would either be an arts and design course, foundation interactive media or photography at a different college.

The first thing I have done in my research is looking into possible companies that I would realistically like to work for. I looked into companies in surrounding areas, closest to home, to start off with, these included the likes of; Team Cooper, Sumo Digital, Distinctive, Kuju and Game Faction, all situated in Sheffield. I have taken note of there contact details, and will contact them at a later date to ask about having a look around the company and see what the staff do there (individual roles).

Something else I have done, is looked on the UCAS website and at different courses and universities. I am still undecided in which course would best suit me, so I will look more into courses and what each one entails. Once I have decided upon that, I will look at the cost of travel and courses and if it's somewhere I would need to stay, look at accommodation. I still need to put all this in my progression folder.
Currently I am looking at examples of personal statements to help me with my own.

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