Thursday 13 October 2011

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong is 19 years of age. He is an aspiring graphic designer/illustrator born and raised in Limerick, Ireland. He is currently studying Graphic Design in the Limerick School of Art and Design
Art has always been a big passion of his, ever since he was young. His primary goal in life is to make a living out of doing something he loves, and that is with art.

What Inspires Jonathan Wong:

“My inspir­a­tion comes from a lot of things. I love watch­ing movies and I find the work of people like Stan­ley Kubrick very inspiring.”

His ded­ic­a­tion to his craft and the way he is a com­plete per­fec­tion­ist are things every­one aspires to. Music is also very import­ant and he find it helps him sub­stan­tially when he is  working.
The Depth­core col­lect­ive, of which he is a proud mem­ber of, are a great source of inspir­a­tion. The work they cre­ate and the energy within the col­lect­ive is wonderful.

He got started in the field of graphic design by his fascination with the world around him. He’s always been creative ever since he was young.Because he is still of a young age, he hasn’t yet got a set style technique. He loves to experiment and loves to work differently from project to project.

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